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Pariwisata sekitarnya

  • Bali Terima Bantuan Fasilitas Tempat Cuci Tangan Di Tempat Wisata

    Jakarta (ANTARA) – Pemerintah Provinsi Bali melalui Dinas Pariwisata Provinsi Bali menerima bantuan 18 fasilitas wastafel tempat cuci tangan portable pedal untuk 9 lokasi daya tarik wisata (DTW) Bali dari tiket.com.
    09-25     HAIXUNPRESS
  • News:乐城麟——国际艺术名家全球专题报道

    Yue,Chenglin, Han nationality, spiritual artist, no: the dragon of jiuyishan. Born in November 1976 in Ningyuan county, Hunan Province. He graduated from the Art College of Hunan University of Science and Technology in 2001.
  • News:杨继林——国际艺术名家全球专题报道

    Yang, Jilin, pseudonym gen yi, zi mo table, Hao xuanwu hall, was born in 1955 in Huzhou, Zhejiang province. Painters of the National Academy of Ethnic Paintings. Currently, he is the deputy secretary general of the corporate artists working Committee of the China association for the promotion of corporate culture and lives in Beijing.
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